Nurflix | Sopan Stream


Frequently Asked Question

To access our premium contents, users need to subscribe to our plan. To subscribe, we have simplified the subscription process for your ease of use. The steps are:
  • Navigate to the subscribe page from the navigation bar.
  • Choose your desired payment plans provided.
  • Fill in your payment credentials.
  • Follow the payment gateway steps.
You now have unlimited access to our premium contents. Enjoy!
Provide your email in the field and you will be redirected to “Create Your Account” page. You will then need to fill in the name that you would like for us to address you and you can create your password by following the security requirements provided. Once you are done, you now have the access to our free account privileges.
We recommend that your password is unique to each site you are using. To strengthen your password, your password needs to contain:
  • At least 8 characters
  • Must contain uppercase and lowercase (case sensitive)
  • Must contain special characters such as .,/ etc.
  • A number
Besides the requirements set, we strongly recommend to our users to make sure that your password is not easily guessed (1234, birthday etc.) and to change your password regularly.
Subscription details is in your account page. Navigate to your home page and click your username on the navigation bar and go to account. Once there, the overview of your account information is displayed together with your subscription details.
Please make sure that you are on the latest version of the app. To do so, please delete the previous version and visit the apple app store or the google play store to get the new app

Last Updated: 10 Aug 2021